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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Floats for transporting bridges

On behalf of "BSB Staalbouw" Buitink Technology developed, produced and installed (inflatable) floats to transport a new table bridge from Sumar to Zuidhorn (Holland) using a  push and pull boat. The total transport distance was 45 kilometers.

Navigation course

The bridge has a length of 61 meter and weighs 300 tons. It was navigated trough the "Van Starkenborg" channel up to Zuidhorn. The advantage of using air inflatable cushions is the limited transport height of the bridge. As a result the cargo can pass below all existing bridges, impossible with conventional pontoons.

Varende verkeersbrug


In cooperation with "BSB Staalbouw" and "HEBO" the engineering plan was developed. All parties involved together investigated the location of the floats and the way it could be connected to the bridge. Critical variables were floating power and stability. Part of the investigation as well was a risk analysis on failure of one of the floats.

Floating traffic bridge

Production and installation

Buitink Technology produces the floating cushions in their production facilities in Duiven. Air compressors to control the air pressure in the cushions during transport are produced and installed by Buitink Technology as well.

Mounting the floating body with ties to the bridge and connecting the air compressor installation was performed on the site of "BSB Staalbouw".


Buitink Technology was not only responsible for development, engineering and production but also was present during the operation. They were responsible for monitoring and control of the process.

Project data

Contractor: BSB Staalbouw
Floating bodies: Buitink Technology


Do you have questions or want more information? Please feel free to contact us. Call us at +31 (0)316-250830. But even easier: fill out the contact form below directly. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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