Banner Buitink Technology
We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Tensioned canopy for courtroom Utrecht

Buitink Technology realized a tensioned membrane, designed for the entrance of a courtroom in Utrecht. It is installed to prevent direct sunlight at the entrance.

It also minimizes drought around the entrance desk and reduces heat loss in winter. The "double curved" tensioned membrane is a nice and elegant solution - having nu visible support - to protect against direct sunlight.

Project data

Surface area:
About 25 m2
Soltis Horizon 86 van Serge Ferrari
Client: Courtroom Utrecht
Main contractor: Primair Projekt BV
Tensioned canopy:  
Buitink Technology
Year of installing: 2019

3D impression

Engineering, Top view

Engineering bovenaanzicht zonwering


Vrouw Justitiaplein 1, 3511 EX Utrecht


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