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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Double-sided printed canvases as an eye-catcher

Buitink Technology delivered and installed 45 double side printed screens for a new distribution centre of Laurus Waddinxveen. The screens protect the building from its surroundings.

Bronsvoort Blaak architects developed the concept of the building with the screens (outlines have the shape of a shopping cart). Artist Denny Baggen was requested to develop the print for the screens. The link to the activities of Laurus's supermarket is easy to identify.

Buitink Technology did the calculations for the curtains (wind and load charges) and realized the structure and print in house, in close cooperation with designer and artist Denny Baggen.

Basis for the development of the details and choice of materials were quality and sustainability.

Project data

Architect: Bronsvoort Blaak Architects
Design of the screens: Denny Baggen
Screens: Buitink Technology, Duiven
Year of implementation: 2006


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