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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Air cushion roof for

Buitink Technology realized an ETFE air cushion roof on behalf of "Woodteq Houtconstructies" for the new in Doetinchem (Holland).  A school having so called Green and Innovative education.

The air cushion roof consists of 12 ETFE cushions with a total surface area of about 200 m2. The "pie shaped" ETFE cushion arrangement exhibit an outstanding circular roof.

Heat reflecting ETFE roof

The air cushion roof consists of 4 layers of ETFE foil (so 3 air chambers) and is fully transparent. The outer layer of ETFE has an IR (infra red) block to reduce heat input through solar radiation.

LTA-value: about 0,39
about 0,38
U-value: about 2 W/ m2 K        

Projectdata air cushion roof

Size: 200 m2, consisting of 12 cushions
Material: ETFE foil, transparant with IR block
Main contractor: BINX Smartility
Wood construction: Woodteq Houtconstructies
ETFE air cushion roof: Buitink Technology
Year of execution: 2019

Engineering ETFE roof

Engineering ETFE dak

Installation ETFE air cushion roof


Gildenbroederslaan 3, 7005 BM Doetinchem


Do you have questions or want more information? Please feel free to contact us. Call us at +31 (0)316-250830. But even easier: fill out the contact form below directly. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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