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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Artwork SYNC by Daan Roosegaarde

Buitink Technology technically developed and produced a detachable floor system for "Artwork SYNC" (including the lounge furniture in the middle of the art work).

The flexible translucent walking membrane is developed and produced by Buitink Technology as well. Proper tensioning of the membrane within the floor construction, in order to achieve an optimum effect of the laser beams during walking on the membrane, was a real challenge..

Photo and video material by Daan Roosegaarde

Photos and video made by Daan Roosegaarde | website

Video Daan Roosegaarde

Artwork SYNC explained by Daan Roosegaarde

Artwork SYNC by Daan Roosegaarde in collaboration with BMWi shows the beauty of human connectivity. SYNC reveals blue contour lines as visitors step on the flexible membrane with lasers scanning underneath it. With more people the artwork creates shared spaces of light, making us feel our joint responsibility for a sustainable future. Premiere at Art Basel 2019.

SYNC by Roosegaarde is an immersive art installation in which you create your own space. The artwork is a landscape of light where visitors can create their own favorite space, connect with others and visualize their 'sense of place'. The artwork shows contour lines which become visible by walking over a flexible membrane surface having laser scanning light underneath it. Your presence physically pushes the membrane down to the floor which therefore reveals lines of light. Where you walk a circle of blue light surrounds your presence, interacting with your behavior. With more people the artwork creates shared spaces of light, making new interactive connections between people. Although high-tech, the artwork feels intuitive, with jelly-fish type of shapes occur and disappear. Accompanying the artwork is a special music soundscape, created by Berlin-based musical partnership "Tale of Us".

Engineering and transport

In engineering and technical development of this project transport was an important item.We realized to develop transport for this beautiful piece of art simply by using 3 pallets and only one part as separate item. Once on location erection of the art work is easy.

Engineering and transport

Project data

Material: WhiteTranslucent cloth
Client: Studio Daan Roosegaarde
Floor system including membrane:
Buitink Technology
Year of contruction


Website Studio Roosegaarde


Studio Roosegaarde, Vierhavensstraat 54, Rotterdam


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