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since 1948

Moisture protection from ETFE foil for buildings

A unique application of a transparent ETFE foil as protection against rain, falling objects and liquids.

For the Euroborg stadium in Groningen Buitink Technology realized moisture protection screens from ETFE foil. Their main purpose is to protect the visitors not only for rain but mainly for falling objects and liquids thrown from above. The ETFE foil is provided with in-ox cables and is fixed inside the main construction.

ETFE foil

ETFE foil in this project was chosen for a variety of reasons. First of all due to it's transparency and light weight (about 350g/m2), allowing an easy fixation to the existing building.Due to it's sun light transmission up to 95%, below gallery are illuminated by ambient light. The material is quite resistant to aging from light up to at least 25 years. On top of that the material is also fire resistant (listed in the 1st class of NEN 6065).

Finally the material can be completely cut "custom made", allowing construction of complex multidimensional shapes.

Project data

Total surface: about 200 sqm
Client: FC Groningen/ Euroborg
Design: Tentech BV, Delft
Projectmanagement: Actys BV, Arnhem
Steel construction: Rijkens Staal- en Systeembouw, Leek
ETFE screen: Buitink Technology, Duiven
Year of implementation: 2007


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