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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Double-curved inflatable roof panels for Art Explora

Losberger De Boer (LDB), in collaboration with Buitink Technology, has developed an innovative relocatable museum for the Art Explora Festival. The museum is characterised by its inflatable double-curved roof panels, which have been technically advanced developed and produced by Buitink Technology on behalf of LDB.


Flexible and durable roof

The museum's roof consists of a total of 34 modular, linkable inflatable roof panels, covering an impressive area of around 630 m2. These panels are designed for flexibility and durability, making them a perfect fit for the dynamic needs of the Art Explora Festival.


Art Explora Festival

Landkaart Art Explorer museum

More information about the Art Explora Festival can be found on the website:

Art explora Festival


Project details inflatable museum roof

Architect: Wilmotte & Associés Architectes
Client: Art Explora Foundation
Main contractor: Losberger De Boer (LDB)/ Losberger RDS
Inflatable 3d panels:
Buitink Technology
Completion: 2024


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