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To connect air inflatable ETFE cushions to a framework, several types of fixing constructions are available. Below is shown some possible configurations. The examples are available in PDF and DXF format as well.

1. Compact-03 profile

ETFE profile compact

The Compact-03 profile is a universal and simple clamping system for ETFE cushions, applied where no neighboring cushions are present.

Projects developed with this system are:

2. Multi profiles

Universal profiles for fixing multiple air inflatable ETFE cushions are called "multi profiles". The profile system has an integrated water discharge and therefore is applicable to large size roofs with multiple connected cushions.

2.1 Multi-01 profile

Type 01 is applied for an ETFE cushion roof connected to another type of roof or to a gutter construction.

Projects with this fixing system are:

2.2 Multi-02 profile

ETFE profile multi

This is the same type as the Multi-01, but Type 02 is used where adjacent ETFE cushions need to be mounted.

Examples of projects performed with this system are:

2.3 Multi-Iso-04 profile

ETFE profile multi

This is the same type of profile as the Multi-01 , but equipped with an insulated cover.


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