We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Flotation bag repairs

Buitink Technology’s flotation bags are used in the most demanding and severe conditions. It’s these conditions that flotation bags are designed to cope with.

However, it is not always possible to prevent a flotation bag from being damaged and needing repairs or restoration. In terms of the materials chosen and the detailing, Buitink Technology’s flotation bags are designed in such a way that they can be properly repaired in the field.

The instructional videos below explain how to carry out these repairs.

Replacing a patch and hoisting strap.
Repairing a patch that is coming loose or torn off.


Do you have questions or want more information? Please feel free to contact us. Call us at +31 (0)316-250830. But even easier: fill out the contact form below directly. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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