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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Facade cladding for temporary Court

On behalf of "Du Prie bouw & ontwikkeling" Buitink Technology has delivered and installed tensioned cladding for the "Tijdelijke Rechtbank" in Amsterdam.

The cladding consists of  52 (seamless) sheets, tensed all around through an aluminium structure. Surface area covered is about 1.400 sqm.

Reusable fabric cladding

Fabric cladding can be applied permanently or be dismantled and reinstalled elsewhere. Fabric cladding with tensed cloth fits perfect in the "temporary building" concept. A building is seen as a "product", independent of its location. If needed the building, including cladding, is reinstalled at another location after a while.

Project data Textile facade

Surface: About 1.400 m2
Material: Soltis 86 van Serge Ferrari
Client: DPCP (du Prie bouw & ontwikkeling en cepezedprojects)
Architect: Cepezed
Main contractor: Du Prie bouw & ontwikkeling
Textile facade: Buitink Technology
Year of implementation: 2016


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