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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Tensioned membranes Wassink

Buitink Technology got an assignment from Wassink Pavements to deliver and install five tensioned membrane roofs for the outdoor showroom area of their new building.

Due to the strained membranes, made ​​of fine meshed dark canvas, a shelter is created against wind and rain. Actually, because of the dark-colored canvas, the area under the membranes is bright.  The transparent canvas gives a perfect "outside feeling".

In November 2012, Wassink Pavements obtained the Stentor Audience award during the Night of Architecture in Apeldoorn.

Project data

Material: Ferrari 381 FT
Client: Wassink Bestratingen
Design: COURAGE architects
Engineering: Tentech BV
Membranes: Buitink technology, Duiven
Year of implementation: 2011


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