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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Cladding with mesh fabric

Buitink Technology has lined the outside wall of the new building of FPA Longcare in Den Dolder with a layer of Stamisol Color and a second layer of an aesthetic tensioned gauze pad (type FT381 Ferrari). The Stamisol Color layer on the insulated facade is for water protection (vapor permeable). Then an open mesh gauze fabric was placed about 40 mm in front of the facade which determines the appearance of the building.

Due to the large available dimensions of the mesh fabric (up to 2.7 m wide), almost no welding was needed (virtually seamless). Through our in house developed fastening system we make beautiful through-puts in the cladding for the steel structure. Numerous other details and connections can be integrated in this facade system.

Project data

Area: Approximately 650 sqm of wall surface
Architect: Rik Lagerwaard Architecten
Main contractor: Bouwonderneming Van Bekkum
Cladding: Buitink Technology, Duiven
Year of implementation: 2009


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