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since 1948

FAQ stretch ceilings swimming pools

Is every swimming pool suitable for a Buitink Technology Stretch Ceiling?

Buitink Technology stretch ceilings are just as suited to newly built swimming pools as they are to renovation projects. The profile system used to clamp or tension the ceiling follows the shape of the new or existing structure, so it always fits. It can also be designed to incorporate recesses for lighting or installations.

What is the effect of a stretch ceiling on swimming pool acoustics?

The mesh structure of the stretch ceiling absorbs sound. Improved acoustics and in particular the reduction of reverberation by installing a stretch ceiling makes the time spent in the pool vastly more comfortable. Not only is a swimming pool with good acoustics and less reverberation beneficial to swimmers and recreational users, it also greatly improves working conditions for teaching staff.

Can a stretch ceiling also be printed?

The stretch ceiling fabric comes in a range of colors  and we also offer the option of applying a print to it. This is a full-color print with a 10-year no-fade guarantee.

Can a stretch ceiling withstand the conditions peculiar to swimming pools?

The stretch ceiling fabric, all the fasteners and profiles are designed to be specifically resistant to the climate in swimming pools, such as high temperatures, high humidity and chlorine. Furthermore, stretch ceilings are also resistant to impact from balls or other pool toys.

Why would a sports club, municipality or architect opt for a stretch ceiling?

There are a number of reasons for this, the main ones being improved acoustics and safety, reduced reverberation and less reflection. Additionally, people often choose a stretch ceiling simply because it is a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to other materials. The end result is often striking, especially when combined with a nice lighting plan.

Does a stretch ceiling need a lot of maintenance?

If you compare it to the kind of suspended ceiling typically fitted in many swimming pools in the past, then the stretch ceiling requires a lot less maintenance. Its fastening system in particular is not susceptible to corrosion, which means that expensive annual maintenance inspections are not required. Stretch ceilings also eliminate the risk of system failure.

Can a stretch ceiling also be used as a wall?

Absolutely! The Buitink Technology stretch ceiling can be fitted either horizontally or vertically. Not only in swimming pools but also at indoor sports facilities, numerous walls have been clad with this type of acoustic stretch fabric system. It is a ball-proof solution that improves the acoustics and atmosphere in these sporting environments too. When decorated with a striking full-color print, it has a particularly aesthetically pleasing effect.

Does Buitink Technology install stretch ceilings itself?

Buitink Technology has its own installation team that has already fitted many thousands of square meters of stretch ceilings. After manufacturing and assembling the complete system at our premises in Duiven, we fit the custom-made stretch ceiling on site. We start with the clamping profile system and then proceed with the careful tensioning of the fabrics.


Do you have questions or want more information? Please feel free to contact us. Call us at +31 (0)316-250830. But even easier: fill out the contact form below directly. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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