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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Solo membrane recital pavilion

On behalf of Studio Dre Wapenaar, Buitink Technology produced a light-weight, transparent membrane structure for the Solo Recital Pavilion.

Material properties:

  • Fire retardant
  • Highly transparent
  • Lightweight (300 g / sqm)

Due to these characteristics it is easy to apply this membrane on steel construction. The pavilion is used for presentations, lectures and other activities. A pleasant atmosphere is created by daylight, passing the highly transparent membrane, while the audience is protected against the weather.

Project data:

Client: Studio Dre Wapenaar
Canopy membranes: Buitink Technology, Duiven
Year of implementation: 2008


Do you have questions or want more information? Please feel free to contact us. Call us at +31 (0)316-250830. But even easier: fill out the contact form below directly. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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