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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Floating device for large dry docks

On behalf of "VolkerRail Nederland BV" Buitink Technology engineered, produced and installed an  (inflatable) floating system, applied to support launching into water and submerge a large dry dock.

This dry dock is used for repair activities of the "Grave" weir, heavily damaged at a collision in December 2016.

Besides supply and installation Buitink Technology has a team of specialists present at location during operation to control the floating system.

The floats having a diameter of 1.8 meter and a length of 3.5 meter. The lifting power is about 9000 kg. 

Project data

Consultant: Ingenieursbureau Boorsma BV
Client Buitink: VolkerRail Nederland BV
Floating system: Buitink Technology


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