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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Textile Facade Markant in Uden

Buitink Technology produced and installed a tensioned textile facade for the renewed theater complex ''Markant'' in Uden (The Netherlands).

The textile facade is made of two membranes, each about 70 m long and 6 m height,  tensed all around inside an aluminum structure.

These membranes have been provided with 165 vertical ribs, in a repetitive pattern.

Lighted textile facade

Behind the textile facade a LED lightning system has been installed.

Project data:

Surface: Approx. 850 sqm
Material: Type 392 of Serge Ferrari
Architect: Architectuurstudio HH
Client: Heven Group BV
Main contractor: Van der Heijden Bouw en Ontwikkeling
Textile façade: Buitink Technology
Year of implementation: 2013

Mounting textile façade

See video beneath for mouting textile façade.


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