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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Easy installation of patio roofs

You can assemble our terrace or patio roofs yourself or we can do it.

The assembly of our All Weather patio roof

In general, the assembly of type ES All Weather will be carried out by our specialists, since it is a permanent structure and it must be mounted in a proper way. In exceptional situations where the ES AW should be mounted on a concrete or steel substructure, there is no need to make a foundation (it can be directly attached to the concrete or steel). In most cases, the roof will be placed on a terrace or a garden where a foundation needs to be constructed. We make these foundations without concrete by so-called screw anchors, which are screwed in the ground. You can see this process in the pictures and videos provided on this page.

The screw anchor systems have a number of great advantages over a foundation made ​​on the concrete:

  • We only need an opening of 25 x 25 cm on the ground or the tiled floor (there is no need to dig the ground or drill a hole in the concrete etc.);
  • The system is weather independent (no limitation regardless of frost or rain );
  • The system is "clean": no sand/mud/concrete etc;
  • The anchors can be easily removed or unscrewed, in case the roof needs to be relocated.
Mounting ES-AW

ES SunShade

The ES SunShade is provided with foot plates on the underside of the uprights, which can be anchored to the ground on the terrace tiles or in the ground with bolts/screws. It is generally not necessary to use screw anchors with the ES SS. You can carry out the installation of the ES SunShade as well as anchoring it in the ground yourself. Remember to anchor the footplates before you tension the fabric!

Mounting ES-SS frame
Mounting ES-SS doek

FS Sunshade

The FS SunShade comes with screw anchors into which the round posts can be inserted and then secured/tightened all around with bolts (see detail below). You can screw these screw anchors into the ground yourself using an auxiliary tool (to be ordered from us or from your dealer, or to be borrowed on request), but you can also have this done and assemble the masts and the fabric. If there are many anchors, we recommend that you let us install them with the screw anchor machine.

Turning an anchor in the ground
Turning an anchor in the ground


Do you have questions or want more information? Please feel free to contact us. Call us at +31 (0)316-250830. But even easier: fill out the contact form below directly. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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