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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Tensioned walls for Fletiomare swimming pool

On behalf of the city of Utrecht and Fletiomare swimming pool in Utrecht, Buitink Technology supplied and installed 6 tensioned walls with a total area of ​​approximately 650sqm. The existing internal facility was completely deteriorated .

Buitink Technology offered a high quality material and tension system for the walls. The walls are particularly suitable for the swimming pools and, if necessary, can easily be cleaned. The tensioned walls give a fresh, clean and modern look to the swimming pool.

The maximum size of the wall sheets for this project was approximately 30 x 5 m. The sheets are welded with virtually invisible joints.

Project data

Surface: Approximately 650 sqm
Material: Soltis 92 of Serge Ferrari
Client: Utrecht  municipal / Fletiomare swimming pool
Tensioned walls: Buitink Technology
Year of implementation: 2014


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