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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Inflatable fall protection system

Many production and maintenance sites use scaffolding and platforms to work at height. Here, local safety requirements are always observed. A common question is to prevent people, tools or equipment from falling through unprotected openings.

Because you cannot always have a scaffold or platform connected to an object to be maintained, produced or repaired, a longer narrow opening often arises there, which can lead to unwanted incidents. Tools or equipment can fall between them and employees can get hurt or worse, fall between them.

Buitink Technology has come up with a solution to close off these unwanted openings with an inflatable fall protection system.

The inflatable fall protection system is cleverly mounted to the platform or scaffolding, after which it is connected to the air system. This air system fills the bellows with air until the right pressure is reached. In this way, the bellows fills the space between the platform or scaffold and the object to be repaired or maintained. In our visuals, this object is, for example, a train carriage. But it could just as easily be a tall trailer, camper or aircraft fuselage.

After use, the bellows can be vacuumised by the same air system, after which the object can be moved. Both filling and vacuum sucking take little time.

By adjusting the air system to the specific application and volume of the bellows, this entire filling and vacuum process can be fully automated. This also prevents errors from occurring and ensures safe working. In most cases, the dimensions are never exactly the same; Buitink Technology is able to engineer, produce and install a suitable solution for every situation.

Engineering inflatable fall protection

Engineering inflatable fall protection

Advantages of the Buitink Technology Inflatable Fall Protection System

  • the prefabricated system can be assembled plug and play anywhere in the world
  • is delivered including air installation or tuned to local air system
  • robust and fully automated system
  • can be applied to every platform and scaffold
  • a system that greatly improves work safety
  • assembly by our own Buitink Technology assembly team
  • or by our own facilities department under the supervision of the Buitink Technology assembly team
  • fast filling and vacuum times
  • special customisation always possible
  • 100% Dutch product made by a dedicated team of local professionals


Do you have questions or want more information? Please feel free to contact us. Call us at +31 (0)316-250830. But even easier: fill out the contact form below directly. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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