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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

POV Schoolyard canopy

Ideal outside area for activities

With a POV® schoolyard canopy you can create an excellent outside area to organize activities and meetings. Or to teach in open air.

Designed for all weather conditions

The (double curved) outside skin of the POV® is a fully standalone construction and therefore very suitable to be used as a permanent or semi-permanent cover at schoolyards.

The POV® canvas outside skin is designed to be used as a permanent construction (including snow and wind load). However if needed it is very simple to install and dismantle the canopy; as such it can be used as temporary or semi-permanent cover as well.

Protection against wind, rain and sunshine

The POV® outside skin construction can be equipped with wind- and sun blocking gauze canvas, ranging from fully lightproof canvas to fully transparent ETFE foil. This is even transparent for UV light; ideal for covering a terrace or a square.

Modular en demountable: easy movable and compact as a construction kit

The POV® outside skin is composed of a number of separate membranes to build the roof and the side walls; dependent of the weather, season or occasion you decide which canvas is used (if any);

The POV® Schoolyard canopy is modular and designed as construction kit; profiles, connection pieces and canvas. The POV® square roof can be packed in a compact way, is light weight and can be transported in a standard container all over the world at relatively low cost. At location the POV® can be easy erected without the need for large cranes or large tools!

An optimal outside skin for any situation

The POV® square cover can be delivered with all kinds of canvas or types of foil: lightproof canvas in all possible colors, translucent, lightproof or even fully transparent (including UV light transparent), sunblock canvas,  rain- breaking canvas, Printed in full color, etc., etc.

There is an optimum POV® cover for every situation!

Materials of construction

Through below links you will find many examples of materials of construction we are offering:

Full color print and colored frame

The skin of the POV®  can be provided partially or fully with a (full color) print. The canopy in this way can be adapted to your environment and your taste!

For more information about the top quality full color print technology used for the POV®  membranes:


The robust aluminum POV® -frame can be anodized and coated in any kind of color.

Advantages and particularities of the POV® covering

A POV® Schoolyard canopy of Buitink Technology has the following advantages:

  • To be used temporarily, semi-permanent and permanent (at all kinds of weather conditions);
  • Easy to erect and to dismantle;
  • The side walls and the roof of the POV®  square cover are composed of separate modular canvas parts. These can be placed in the frame or removed from the frame, dependent of the weather conditions or local circumstances. Any appropriate canvas can be chosen: light proof canvas, gauze type canvas, full color printed canvas, even no canvas at all, etc. etc.
  • A POV® frame is covered with a number of separate membranes that compose the roof and side walls. Dependent of the weather conditions or the season you can decide which canvas is applied;
  • The POV® canopy is designed as a compact construction kit, light weight and can be transported all over the world in a standard container.
  • Each part of canvas is placed in the framework, tensed with springs all around the circumference;
  • Can be provided with wind-, rain breaking as well as sun shield gauze canvas, but also lightproof or transparent canvas can be applied;
  • Can be provided with side walls to be protected against rain and cross wind;
  • Is used to organize all kinds of outside activities underneath the canopy ;
  • Can be equipped with solar panels.

Sizes modular cover

Sizes modular cover


Do you have questions or want more information? Please feel free to contact us. Call us at +31 (0)316-250830. But even easier: fill out the contact form below directly. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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