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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Pressure Distribution cushions

Buitink Technology produces and delivers pressure distribution cushions to be applied in horizontal support of cranes.

These cushions ("sand bags") are placed underneath the hydraulic support plates on the ground surface to distribute the pressure evenly on the ground surface.

E.g. when the ground surface is rough and un-even or vulnerable and must not be damaged pressure distribution cushions of Buitink Technology can be applied. It's a better alternative for spreading a sand layer that is washed away and must be removed later on.

Possible sizes of Buitink Technology's pressure distribution cushions

The pressure distribution cushions can be delivered in any length. The default diameter is 150 mm, but on demand any other diameter can be delivered. The bags are filled with fine non-sharp sand for perfect pressure distribution.

Example of a pressure distribution cushion:


Bridging height differences

By placing the cushions at regular intervals or stacking the cushions, practically any height difference can be bridged.

By default pressure distributions cushions are delivered including a firm canvas mat, where marks indicate various possible positions of the bags and their respective heights.

Possible configurations


Aramid fabric

Pressure distribution cushions are made of extremely strong and high quality flexible and smooth Aramid fabric. The cushions do not damage the ground surface and can hold a pressure of at least 50 tons per m2 !


Do you have questions or want more information? Please feel free to contact us. Call us at +31 (0)316-250830. But even easier: fill out the contact form below directly. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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