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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Textile facade cladding for Cheops Technology

Buitink Technology realized the engineering and construction of a tensed textile wall for Cheops Technology in France.

This textile wall is a so called "second skin facade" and is placed in front of the (glass) building wall. The facade cladding provides a professional look and protects against wind and sunshine. However still it is possible looking out from the inside through the membrane facade.

Fully seamless facade

The facade cladding has a height of no less than 11.7 meter and a non-interrupted width of 110 meter! So a one piece fully seamless facade of no less than 1,300 sqm. is created.

The entire facade surface area is covered with a full color print, guaranteed for 10 years.

Project data tensed textile wall

Surface area: Approx. 1,300 m²
Total width: Approx. 110 meter
Material: FT381 of Serge Ferrari
Print: Full colour, Archiink (10 years of guarantee)
Architect: LAH/ AT Architectes Associés
Client: Cheops Technology
Main contractor: Highpoint Structures
Tensed textile wall:   Buitink Technology
Year of implementation: 2018

Engineering facade cladding

Engineering gevelbekleding

Erection facade cladding

Details facade cladding

Interior views


Rue Thomas Edison | 33610 Canéjan | Frankrijk


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