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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Inflatable lifting unit

In order to lift heavy loads up to a high level safe and accurately controlled, Buitink Technology designs inflatable lifting units.

Unique stabilization

These lifting units operate on the basis of inflatable lifting bags, stabilized through a computer controlled automated winch. It is a unique combination of stabilized lifting by air supported by an automated winch system.

Characteristic and unique properties

Inflatable lifting units from Buitink Technology have a number of unique and typical properties compared to alternatives like lifting by a mechanical crane or standard lifting bags.

  • Lifting up to a large height of at least 20 meter.
  • Several modular lifting units can be combined to operate as a single unit (connected through a computer control system including software).
  • A lifting unit is very compact, enabling transport within one single container.
  • The unit can be placed anywhere, even be positioned from the air (no large infrastructure required for a crane e.g).
  • The lifting units are placed beneath the object. No surrounding space is needed (no place for a crane involved).
  • The whole operation is powered by electricity only and so can be applied everywhere.
  • The lifting unit operates on the basis of air. No hydraulics are involved; there is no risk of (soil) pollution.

Specifications lifting unit

  • A lifting unit consists of a (transport) box, basic frame, winches and an air blower system, connected to a main control unit.
  • It's weight is about 5 tons.
  • Below shown inflatable lifting unit can lift 15 tons to a height of 11 meter.


To get to the final design  of the lifting unit several brainstorm sessions were held.


Do you have questions or want more information? Please feel free to contact us. Call us at +31 (0)316-250830. But even easier: fill out the contact form below directly. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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