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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Bridge pavilion for cyclists & pedestrians

Buitink Technology manufactures and installed a tensioned membrane "roof" on behalf of Studio Dre Wapenaar for a bicycle bridge pavilion. The bridge is suitable for both pedestrians and cyclists.

The bicycle bridge is located in Wijhe, in the district of North Koeslag and connects this area to the other side of the water.

The bridge has several functions: a "short-cut" to both river banks, a place to stay and a gateway to the other side of the neighborhood. The bridge is wider in the middle to place benches on both sides. The bicycle part has an equal width throughout the bridge.

Project data

Material: Ferrari 502
Design: Dre Wapenaar
Steel construction: Team Studio Dre Wapenaar
Engineering: Tentech BV
Membrane: Buitink Technology
Year of implementation:  2011


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