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since 1948

Landing cushions for prefabricated panels

In the production process of prefabricated building components (e.g. wooden floorboards), these must be tilted so that the underside can be given a surface treatment (coating) and finished.

Problem Definition

The prefabricated parts have different sizes and weights, as well as a different construction, so that catching and lowering them during the tipping process seemed a difficult problem to solve. A complex and (too) expensive system of robots to pick up and lower the parts was considered.


As a simple and cheap solution, Buitink Technology has developed a system of inflatable cushions/shock absorbers that can be integrated in the production process of the prefabricated parts.

Catching prefab elements

Features inflatable cushions

This system of inflatable fenders is lightweight, flexible, compact in its uninflated state and effortlessly absorbs all major shocks during the crash of the prefabricated parts.

In addition, the inflatable shock absorber is a low-pressure system (the internal pressure never exceeds 500 mbar) and therefore very safe to use.

The inflatable shock cushions are made of a very strong (TPU) coated tarpaulin (type IV-VII, with a breaking strength of 7,000 - 13,000 N/ 5 cm) with high puncture resistance. Furthermore, the inflatable cushion is provided with air connections and adjustable pressure relief valves, which let the pressure out of the cushion in case of impact.

We also supply the cushions including an air installation with control, which keeps the cushions at the right pressure and can be linked to the customer's automated production system.

Inflatable cushion system

As also shown in the video below, the next steps in using the collection pads are:

  • Tilting of floorboards weighing no less than 2,800 kg each;
  • When a floor section passes its tipping point, this must be accommodated;
  • Buitink Technology has developed a system of cushions to catch the floor boards;
  • The cushions function as a shock absorber.

Based on our catchbags

The solution is based on the catchbags or landing bags developed by Buitink Technology, see also our web site:

Landing bags for truck recovery


Do you have questions or want more information? Please feel free to contact us. Call us at +31 (0)316-250830. But even easier: fill out the contact form below directly. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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