Banner Buitink Technology
We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Details and finishing flextents




Seams are stitched and welded

The seams in our flex tents are not only stitched (as roof seams), but also provided with a high-frequency welded waterproof reinforcement strip. This extra elastic strip welded over the seams not only ensures a 100% waterproof seam, but also gives extra strength to the seam connection.

Moreover, seams that are both stitched and welded are much stronger in warm or hot environments (e.g. in summer) than seams that are only stitched or only welded. Our seams are tested and TÜV certified up to a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius.

Patches/reinforcements stitched and welded

The patches with loops along the edge of our flex tents/stretched tents are both high-frequency welded and stitched. This not only makes our loops much stronger than those of many of our competitors, but also ensures that the tensile forces of the loops are introduced much better and more evenly into the flex tent.

Reinforced edge

The edges of our flex tents/stretch tents are provided with a cover, extra elastic band (10 cm wide) and Velcro. This makes our borders stronger than those of many other manufacturers (where the flex fabric itself is often just folded over). It also ensures that the forces from the edge are better distributed in the surface of the flex tent/stretch tent.

Highest durability

Because we opt for the best quality in all respects (both in terms of material choices and finish), our flex tents are not the cheapest to buy, but they are by far the cheapest when life span and failure costs are taken into account.


Do you have questions or want more information? Please feel free to contact us. Call us at +31 (0)316-250830. But even easier: fill out the contact form below directly. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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