We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Recovery railway carriage

Besides development and production of pneumatic lifting bags, Buitink Technology also advises on the recovery plan itself.

We have an extensive worldwide network of partners and dealers, active in the recovery industry, that support our activities. It gives us access to a huge amount of professional experience. Once we develop a recovery plan we are sure to be able to execute this plan safely.

Recovery plan

In below situation for instance we made a recovery plan with lifting bags combined with mobile cranes. We recovered a capsized railroad car, filled with 60 tons of highly explosive liquids.

Balanced support through lifting bags

As initially it seemed that the railway cars were not strong enough to be lifted and recovered by using cranes we developed an alternative plan. The railway car is evenly supported during the recovery process using our lifting bags. Once passing the turn over point our catchbags will take over the support of the railway car and restore its normal position.

View of the lifting and turn over process

Hef- en kantelproces in beeld


We hebben een volledig stappenplan ontwikkeld m.b.t. de verschillende soorten, situering en hoeveelheid hefkussens gedurende de bergingsoperatie.

Stappenplan hefkussens

Step 1: position 8 x squares + 10 x pancakes one by one and pressurize to 100mm lift
Step 2: slide in 2 Giants and pressurize.
Step 3 t/m 6: remove 2 squares and replace by Giant (4 times).
Step 7: lift up until tipping point .
Step 8: catch up with 8 catch bags.

Visualization of the railway car recovery

Additional to the complete engineering, process description and 2D representation of the recovery plan a full 3 D visualization of the recovery process is produced.


Do you have questions or want more information? Please feel free to contact us. Call us at +31 (0)316-250830. But even easier: fill out the contact form below directly. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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