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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Canopy bus station Leidsche Rijn Centre

Buitink Technology did the engineering, fabrication and erection of tensed membranes for a bus terminal in "Leidsche Rijn Centrum" in the Netherlands.

The canopy consists of a spatial steel structure of 10 hexagonal tensed so called low point sheets, in between and alongside extended with 18 triangular high point sheets. Additionally 9 high points were placed in the middle of the structure.

Construction and connections of the roof

The 9 so called high point sheets in the middle are supported by a floating pole, while the 9 high point sheets along the edges are supported de-centralized. The edges of the 28 membrane sheets are connected to the steel construction through fasteners. The low points are equipped with adjustable fasteners, receptacles for rain water and  lighting. Membranes are made of TX30 material of Serge Ferrari, guaranteed for at least 25 years!

Project data:

Surface area: About  2,860 m²
Material: TX30 - Type III van Serge Ferrari
Architect: JCAU Architects & Urbanists
Main constructor: ABT BV
Client: Community Utrecht, Bureau Negen Tien Leidsche Rijn Centrum        
Main contractor: Van Wijk Beton- en Waterbouw Nieuwegein BV
Tensed membranes:      
Buitink Technology
Year of implementation:    


Engineering Canopy

Analysis and strength calculations

A thorough analysis through strength and force calculations have been perfromed on the structure, such as weight, tension, wind and snow load etcetera.

Schematics of wind forces on low point

Schematics of wind forces on low point

Schematics of wind forces on high point

Schematics of wind forces on high point 

Schematics of wind forces on high point surface

Schematische weergave windbelasting hoogpuntvlakken

Example stregth analysis on the sheet

Example stregth analysis on the sheet


Leidscherijn, Berlijnplein, busstation


Do you have questions or want more information? Please feel free to contact us. Call us at +31 (0)316-250830. But even easier: fill out the contact form below directly. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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