We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

XXL lighting | LED lighting systems | Lumtex

Buitink Technology develops and installs LED lighting systems integrated in her projects like tensioned membranes, tensioned ceilings and inflatable ETFE air cushion roofs.

Beside this, Buitink Technology develops, manufactures and installs the XXL lighting collection for Lumtex BV. This collection is based on the use of coated fabrics, foils and technical textiles and the application of LED technology for large size applications ( XXL lighting). We focus on very large sized light systems, dis-mountable and transportable all over the world. Primary function of XXL lighting is to act as eyecatcher in large rooms.

LED lighting systems

Below are some reference projects of Buitink Technology where LED lighting is applied.

Spangevel met LED-verlichting

Textile façade with a LED lighting

Gevelmembranen met LED-verlichting

Light structure illuminated with LED lights

Verlichting Spanplafonds voor zwembad

Lighting stretch ceiling for pool

Uniek gespannen lichtplafond

Light diffusing ceiling

ETFE bollen met LED verlichting

Illuminated inflatable ETFE bulbs

Daklichten op vliegveld

ETFE roof lighting airport

XXL lighting collection

Below are some references of Buitink Technology's XXL lighting collection.

Noortje van Laarhoven XXL verlichting

Noortje van Laarhoven

Stas Kokke XXL verlichting

Stas Kokke

UTIL products XXL verlichting

UTIL products

Elke vormgeving XXL verlichting

Elke design

HMDF XXL verlichting


More information

Buitink Technology is a resourceful company with original ideas and ingenious products. Call Buitink Technology: +31 316 25 08 30, email: [email protected] or leave your contact information:

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