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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Inflatable canopy for flocculator

Buitink Technology performed the engineering, production and erection/dismantling of 2 flocculator tents

Present tents had to be replaced. New ones were made and installed by Buitink Technology.

Airtight tents

The shape of the tents is accomplished by internal overpressure. Inflatable tents are fixed airtight to an existing concrete structure.



Project data tents

Tents covering the flocculator tanks have a diameter of about 23 meter with a height of about 6 meter. Its cloth surface area is about 500 sqm.

Material: PVC coated polyester cloth, type II (4.000 N/ 5 cm)
Client: PWN
Inflatable canopy: Buitink Technology


Engineering luchtdichte tent

Lifting protocol

  • lifting the loose membrane;
  • turn towards the concrete reservoir;
  • 4 construction engineers direct the belts of the membrane to the outside of the concrete reservoir;
  • controlled lowering the tent into final position.

Hijsplan tent


Pump station Andijk, Dijkweg 12 te Andijk


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