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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Lens-shaped ETFE cushions ARTFX campus

Buitink Technology has made and delivered 3 lens-shaped ETFE cushions as skylights for the new construction of the campus of ARTFX in Roubais by order of Highpoint Structures.

The largest cushion has a diameter and thus a free span of no less than 10 metres. To achieve this large free span, a cable construction was fitted at the top and bottom.

Features ETFE film

ETFE foil is transparent, allows about 95% light through, is self-cleaning (chemically inert) and has an expected life span of > 30 years.

Project details

ETFE film, transparent
Architect: Valode & Pistre architectes
Main contractor: Highpoint Structures
ETFE cushions: Buitink Technology
Montage: Highpoint Structures
Completion: 2023



Engineering ARTFx

Locatie Plaine Images – ZAC de l’union

Rue du Capitaine Aubert
59100 Roubaix


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